import numpy as np
import sys
import c4dynamics as c4d
from c4dynamics.states.lib.datapoint import datapoint
class rigidbody(datapoint): #
A rigid-body object
The :class:`rigidbody` extends the :class:`datapoint <c4dynamics.states.lib.datapoint.datapoint>`
class to form an elementary rigidbody object in space, i.e.
an object with length and attitude.
It introduces attributes related to rotational dynamics,
such as angular position, angular velocity, and moment of inertia.
As such its state vector consists of the following variables:
.. math::
X = [x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z, \\varphi, \\theta, \\psi, p, q, r)]^T
- Position coordinates, velocity coordinates.
- Angles, angular rates.
x : float or int, optional
The x-position of the datapoint. Default value :math:`x = 0`.
y : float or int, optional
The y-position of the datapoint. Default value :math:`y = 0`.
z : float or int, optional
The z-position of the datapoint. Default value :math:`z = 0`.
vx : float or int, optional
Component of velocity along the x-axis. Default value :math:`v_x = 0`.
vy : float or int, optional
Component of velocity along the y-axis. Default value :math:`v_y = 0`.
vz : float or int, optional
Component of velocity along the z-axis. Default value :math:`v_z = 0`.
phi : float or int, optional
Euler angle representing rotation around the x-axis (rad). Default value :math:`\\varphi = 0`.
theta : float or int, optional
Euler angle representing rotation around the y-axis (rad). Default value :math:`\\theta = 0`.
psi : float or int, optional
Euler angle representing rotation around the z-axis (rad). Default value :math:`\\psi = 0`.
p : float or int, optional
Angular rate around the x-axis (roll). (rad/sec). Default value :math:`p = 0`.
q : float or int, optional
Angular rate around the y-axis (pitch). (rad/sec). Default value :math:`q = 0`.
r : float or int, optional
Angular rate around the z-axis (yaw). (rad/sec). Default value :math:`r = 0`.
The input arguments determine the initial values of the instance.
The vector of initial conditions can be retrieved by calling
:attr:`rigidbody.X0 <c4dynamics.states.state.state.X0>`:
.. code::
>>> from c4dynamics import rigidbody
.. code::
>>> rb = rigidbody(z = 1000, theta = 10 * c4d.d2r, q = 0.5 * c4d.d2r)
>>> rb.X0 # doctest: +NUMPY_FORMAT
[0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0.174 0 0 0.0087 0]
When the initial values are not known at the stage of constructing
the state object, it's possible to pass zeros and override them later
by direct assignment of the state variable with a `0` suffix.
See more at :attr:`state.X0 <c4dynamics.states.state.state.X0>`.
mass : float
The mass of the datapoint
I : [float, float, float]
An array of moments of inertia
See Also
A simplified model of an aircraft autopilot is given by:
.. math::
\\dot{z}(t) = 5 \\cdot \\theta(t)
\\dot{\\theta}(t) = -0.5 \\cdot \\theta(t) - 0.1 \\cdot z(t)
- :math:`z` is the deviation of the aircraft from the required altitude
- :math:`\\theta` is the pitch angle
The aircraft is represented by a `rigidbody` object.
`scipy's odeint` is employed to solve the
dynamics equations and update the state vector `X`.
import required packages:
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> from scipy.integrate import odeint
>>> import numpy as np
Settings and initial conditions:
.. code::
>>> dt, tf = 0.01, 15
>>> tspan = np.arange(0, tf, dt)
>>> A = np.zeros((12, 12))
>>> A[2, 7] = 5
>>> A[7, 2] = -0.1
>>> A[7, 7] = -0.5
>>> f16 = c4d.rigidbody(z = 1, theta = 0)
>>> for t in tspan:
... f16.X = odeint(lambda y, t: A @ y, f16.X, [t, t + dt])[-1]
.. code::
>>> _, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
>>> f16.plot('z', ax = ax[0]) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
>>> ax[0].set(xlabel = '') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
>>> f16.plot('theta', ax = ax[1], scale = c4d.r2d)
.. figure:: /_examples/rigidbody/intro_f16_autopilot.png
The :meth:`animate` method allows the user to play the attitude
histories given a 3D model (requires installation of `open3D`).
The model in the example can be fetched using the c4dynamics datasets module
(see :mod:`c4dynamics.datasets`):
.. code::
>>> modelpath = c4d.datasets.d3_model('f16')
Fetched successfully
.. code::
>>> f16colors = np.vstack(([255, 215, 0], [255, 215, 0], [184, 134, 11], [0, 32, 38], [218, 165, 32], [218, 165, 32], [54, 69, 79], [205, 149, 12], [205, 149, 12])) / 255
>>> f16.animate(modelpath, angle0 = [90 * c4d.d2r, 0, 180 * c4d.d2r], modelcolor = f16colors)
.. figure:: /_examples/rigidbody/rb_intro_ap.gif
phi: float
theta: float
psi: float
p: float
q: float
r: float
_ixx = 0
_iyy = 0
_izz = 0
def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, vx = 0, vy = 0, vz = 0
, phi = 0, theta = 0, psi = 0, p = 0, q = 0, r = 0
rbargs = {}
rbargs.setdefault('x', x)
rbargs.setdefault('y', y)
rbargs.setdefault('z', z)
rbargs.setdefault('vx', vx)
rbargs.setdefault('vy', vy)
rbargs.setdefault('vz', vz)
rbargs.setdefault('phi', phi)
rbargs.setdefault('theta', theta)
rbargs.setdefault('psi', psi)
rbargs.setdefault('p', p)
rbargs.setdefault('q', q)
rbargs.setdefault('r', r)
c4d.state.__init__(self, **rbargs)
def I(self):
Gets and sets the array of moments of inertia.
.. math::
I = [I_{xx}, I_{yy}, I_{zz}]
Default: :math:`I = [0, 0, 0]`
I : numpy.array or list
An array of three moments of inertia about each
one of the axes :math:`([I_{xx}, I_{yy}, I_{zz}])`.
out : numpy.array
An array of the three moments of inertia :math:`[I_{xx}, I_{yy}, I_{zz}]`.
The moment of inertia
determines how much torque is required for a
desired angular acceleration about a rotational axis.
In this example, two physical pendulums with the same
initial conditions
show the effect of different moments of inertia
on the time period of an oscillation:
.. math::
T = 2 \\cdot \\pi \\cdot \\sqrt{{I \\over m \\cdot g \\cdot l}}
where here :math:`m` is the mass :math:`m = 1`,
:math:`l` is the length from the center of mass :math:`l = 1`,
:math:`g` is the gravity acceleration,
and :math:`I` is the moment of inertia about :math:`y`, :math:`I_{yy1} = 0.5, I_{yy2} = 0.05`
Import required packages:
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> from scipy.integrate import odeint
>>> import numpy as np
Settings and initial condtions:
.. code::
>>> b = 0.5
>>> dt = 0.01
>>> g = c4d.g_ms2
>>> theta0 = 80 * c4d.d2r
>>> rb05 = c4d.rigidbody(theta = theta0)
>>> rb05.I = [0, .5, 0]
>>> rb005 = c4d.rigidbody(theta = theta0)
>>> rb005.I = [0, .05, 0]
Physical pendulum dynamics:
.. code::
>>> def pendulum(yin, t, Iyy):
... theta, q = yin[7], yin[10]
... yout = np.zeros(12)
... yout[7] = q
... yout[10] = -g * c4d.sin(theta) / Iyy - b * q
... return yout
Main loop
.. code::
>>> for ti in np.arange(0, 5, dt):
... # Iyy = 0.5
... rb05.X = odeint(pendulum, rb05.X, [ti, ti + dt], (rb05.I[1],))[1]
... # Iyy = 0.05
... rb005.X = odeint(pendulum, rb005.X, [ti, ti + dt], (rb005.I[1],))[1]
Plot results:
.. code::
>>> rb05.plot('theta')
>>> rb005.plot('theta', ax = plt.gca(), color = 'c')
.. figure:: /_examples/rigidbody/Iyy_pendulum.png
return np.array([self._ixx, self._iyy, self._izz])
def I(self, I):
self._ixx = I[0]
self._iyy = I[1]
self._izz = I[2]
def angles(self):
Returns an array of Euler angles.
.. math::
angles = [\\varphi, \\theta, \\psi]
out : numpy.array
An array of three Euler angles, about each one of the axes
:math:`([\\varphi, \\theta, \\psi])`
.. code::
>>> rb = c4d.rigidbody(phi = 135)
>>> rb.angles # doctest: +NUMPY_FORMAT
[135 0 0]
return np.array([self.phi, self.theta, self.psi])
def ang_rates(self):
Returns an array of angular rates.
.. math::
angular rates = [p, q, r]
out : numpy.array
An array of three angular rates of the body axes
:math:`([p, q, r])`
.. code::
>>> q0 = 30
>>> rb = c4d.rigidbody(q = q0)
>>> rb.ang_rates # doctest: +NUMPY_FORMAT
[0 30 0]
return np.array([self.p, self.q, self.r])
def BR(self):
Returns a Body-from-Reference Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM).
Based on the current Euler angles, `BR` returns the DCM in a 3-2-1 order,
i.e. first rotation about the z axis (yaw, :math:`\\psi`), then a rotation about the
y axis (pitch, :math:`\\theta`), and finally a rotation about the x axis (roll, :math:`\\varphi`).
The `DCM321` matrix is calculated by the
:mod:`rotmat <c4dynamics.rotmat>` module and is given by:
.. math::
R = \\begin{bmatrix}
c\\theta \\cdot c\\psi
& c\\theta \\cdot s\\psi
& -s\\theta \\\\
s\\varphi \\cdot s\\theta \\cdot c\\psi - c\\varphi \\cdot s\\psi
& s\\varphi \\cdot s\\theta \\cdot s\\psi + c\\varphi \\cdot c\\psi
& s\\varphi \\cdot c\\theta \\\\
c\\varphi \\cdot s\\theta \\cdot c\\psi + s\\varphi \\cdot s\\psi
& c\\varphi \\cdot s\\theta \\cdot s\\psi - s\\varphi \\cdot c\\psi
& c\\varphi \\cdot c\\theta
- :math:`c\\varphi \\equiv cos(\\varphi)`
- :math:`s\\varphi \\equiv sin(\\varphi)`
- :math:`c\\theta \\equiv cos(\\theta)`
- :math:`s\\theta \\equiv sin(\\theta)`
- :math:`c\\psi \\equiv cos(\\psi)`
- :math:`s\\psi \\equiv sin(\\psi)`
For the background material regarding the rotational matrix operations,
see :mod:`rotmat <c4dynamics.rotmat>`.
out : numpy.ndarray
A 3x3 DCM matrix uses to rotate a vector
to the body frame
from a reference frame of coordinates.
.. code::
>>> v_inertial = [1, 0, 0]
>>> rb = c4d.rigidbody(psi = 45 * c4d.d2r)
>>> v_body = rb.BR @ v_inertial
>>> v_body # doctest: +NUMPY_FORMAT
[0.707 -0.707 0.0]
return c4d.rotmat.dcm321(phi = self.phi, theta = self.theta, psi = self.psi)
def RB(self):
Returns a Reference-from-Body Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM).
Based on the current Euler angles, `RB` returns the
transpose matrix of :attr:`BR <c4dynamics.states.lib.rigidbody.rigidbody.BR>`,
where :attr:`BR <c4dynamics.states.lib.rigidbody.rigidbody.BR>`
is the Body from Reference
DCM in 3-2-1 order.
The transpose matrix of the DCM generated by
three Euler angles :math:`\\varphi` (rotation about `x`),
:math:`\\theta` (about `y`), and :math:`\\psi` (about `z`) in 3-2-1 order,
is given by:
.. math::
R = \\begin{bmatrix}
c\\theta \\cdot c\\psi
& s\\varphi \\cdot s\\theta \\cdot c\\psi - c\\varphi \\cdot s\\psi
& c\\varphi \\cdot s\\theta \\cdot c\\psi + s\\varphi \\cdot s\\psi \\\\
c\\theta \\cdot s\\psi
& s\\varphi \\cdot s\\theta \\cdot s\\psi + c\\varphi \\cdot c\\psi
& c\\varphi \\cdot s\\theta \\cdot s\\psi - s\\varphi \\cdot c\\psi \\\\
& s\\varphi \\cdot c\\theta
& c\\varphi \\cdot c\\theta
- :math:`c\\varphi \\equiv cos(\\varphi)`
- :math:`s\\varphi \\equiv sin(\\varphi)`
- :math:`c\\theta \\equiv cos(\\theta)`
- :math:`s\\theta \\equiv sin(\\theta)`
- :math:`c\\psi \\equiv cos(\\psi)`
- :math:`s\\psi \\equiv sin(\\psi)`
For the background material regarding the rotational matrix operations,
see :mod:`rotmat <c4dynamics.rotmat>`.
out : numpy.ndarray
A 3x3 DCM matrix uses to rotate a vector from a body frame
to a reference frame of coordinates.
.. code::
>>> v_body = [np.sqrt(3), 0, 1]
>>> rb = c4d.rigidbody(theta = 30 * c4d.d2r)
>>> v_inertial = rb.RB @ v_body
>>> v_inertial # doctest: +NUMPY_FORMAT
[2.0 0.0 0.0]
return np.transpose(self.BR)
def inteqm(self, forces, moments, dt): # type: ignore
Advances the state vector, :attr:`rigidbody.X <c4dynamics.states.state.state.X>`,
with respect to the input
forces and moments on a single step of time, `dt`.
Integrates equations of six degrees motion using the Runge-Kutta method.
This method numerically integrates the equations of motion for a dynamic system
using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method as given by
:func:`eqm.int6 <c4dynamics.eqm.integrate.int6>`.
The derivatives of the equations are of six dimensional motion as
given by
:py:func:`eqm.eqm6 <c4dynamics.eqm.derivs.eqm6>`.
forces : numpy.array or list
An external forces vector acting on the body, `forces = [Fx, Fy, Fz]`
moments : numpy.array or list
An external moments vector acting on the body, `moments = [Mx, My, Mz]`
dt : float or int
Interval time step for integration.
out : numpy.float64
An acceleration array at the final time step.
This method is not recommanded when the vectors
of forces or moments depend on the state variables.
Since the vectors of forces and moments are provided once at the
entrance to the integration, they remain constant
for the entire steps.
Therefore, when the forces or moments depend on the state variables
the results of this method are not accurate and may lead to instability.
A torque is applied by spacecraft thrusters to stabilize
the roll in a constant rate.
Import required packages:
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
Settings and initial conditions:
.. code::
>>> dt = 0.001
>>> torque = [0.1, 0, 0]
>>> rb = c4d.rigidbody()
>>> rb.I = [0.5, 0, 0] # Moment of inertia about x
Main loop:
.. code::
>>> for ti in np.arange(0, 5, dt):
... rb.inteqm(np.zeros(3), torque, dt) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
... if rb.p >= 10 * c4d.d2r:
... torque = [0, 0, 0]
Plot results:
.. code::
>>> rb.plot('p')
.. figure:: /_examples/rigidbody/inteqm_rollstable.png
# from c4dynamics.eqm import eqm6
self.X, acc = c4d.eqm.int6(self, forces, moments, dt, derivs_out = True)
return acc
def animate(self, modelpath, angle0 = [0, 0, 0]
, modelcolor = None, dt = 1e-3
, savedir = None, cbackground = [1, 1, 1]):
c4d.rotmat.animate(self, modelpath, angle0, modelcolor, dt, savedir, cbackground)
rigidbody.animate.__doc__ = c4d.rotmat.animate.__doc__
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest, contextlib, os
from c4dynamics import IgnoreOutputChecker, cprint
# Register the custom OutputChecker
doctest.OutputChecker = IgnoreOutputChecker
tofile = False
optionflags = doctest.FAIL_FAST
# Filter out tests for the animate method by overriding the testmod.
def custom_testmod(module=None, **kwargs):
tests = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(module)
tests = [test for test in tests if != "__main__.rigidbody.animate"] # Exclude animate
runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(**kwargs)
for test in tests:
return runner.summarize()
if tofile:
with open(os.path.join('tests', '_out', 'output.txt'), 'w') as f:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f), contextlib.redirect_stderr(f):
result = custom_testmod(sys.modules[__name__], optionflags=optionflags)
result = custom_testmod(sys.modules[__name__], optionflags=optionflags)
if result.failed == 0:
cprint(os.path.basename(__file__) + ": all tests passed!", 'g')