API Reference#
This API documentation is a comprehensive guide to the various modules, classes, and functions available in c4dynamics. It covers everything from core components like state objects, which encapsulate system states, to modules like sensors, detectors, and filters.
The API reference serves as both a learning tool for newcomers and a quick lookup for experienced users.
For a quick overview of how to get started, see the Getting Started section, and for detailed use cases, refer to the Programs section.
State objects and utilities should be accessed from c4dynamics top-level namespace:
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> s = c4d.state(...) # Access state objects directly from the top-level namespace
>>> c4d.d2r # Access constants like degrees-to-radians conversion
Other modules and classes are available by preceding the module name:
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> rdr = c4d.sensors.radar(...)
>>> kf = c4d.filters.kalman(...)
Some examples in the following API reference use datasets
to demonstrate c4dynamics functionality.
c4dynamics uses Pooch to simplify fetching data files.
By calling:
where module
and file
define the dataset,
the dataset is downloaded over the network once
and saved to the cache for later usa.
For more details, see the datasets
Data-structures for state variables. |
Sensor models to simulate radar and seeker. |
API to object detection models. |
State observers.
Lowpass filter.
Equation of motion solvers.
Rotation matrices.
Utility Functions and mathematical tools |
An interface for managing datasets and pre-trained models. |