


property seeker.bias: float#

Gets and sets the object’s bias.

The bias is a random variable generated once at the stage of constructing the instance by the errors model:

\[bias = std \cdot randn\]

Where bias_std is a parameter with default value of 0.1° for seeker object, and 0.3° for radar object.

To get the bias generated by the errors model, or to override it, the user may call bias to get or set the final bias error.


bias (float) – Required bias, [radians].


bias (float) – Current bias, [radians].


The following example for a seeker object is directly applicable to a radar object too. Simply replace c4d.sensors.seeker(origin = pedestal,...) with c4d.sensors.radar(origin = pedestal,...).

Required packages:

>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np

Settings and initial conditions:

(see seeker examples for more details):


>>> tgt = c4d.datapoint(x = 1000, y = 0, vx = -80 * c4d.kmh2ms, vy = 10 * c4d.kmh2ms)
>>> for t in np.arange(0, 60, 0.01):
...   tgt.inteqm(np.zeros(3), .01) 
...   tgt.store(t)


>>> pedestal = c4d.rigidbody(z = 30, theta = -1 * c4d.d2r)

Ground truth reference:

>>> skr_ideal = c4d.sensors.seeker(origin = pedestal, isideal = True)

Tracking with bias

Define a seeker with a bias error only (mute the scale factor and the noise) and set it to 0.5° to track a constant velocity target:

>>> skr = c4d.sensors.seeker(origin = pedestal, scale_factor_std = 0, noise_std = 0)
>>> skr.bias = .5 * c4d.d2r
>>> for x in tgt.data():
...   skr_ideal.measure(c4d.create(x[1:]), t = x[0], store = True)  
...   skr.measure(c4d.create(x[1:]), t = x[0], store = True)  

Compare the biased seeker with the true target angles (ideal seeker):

>>> ax = plt.subplot()
>>> ax.plot(*skr_ideal.data('el', scale = c4d.r2d), label = 'target')  
>>> ax.plot(*skr.data('el', scale = c4d.r2d), label = 'seeker')  


The distribution of normally generated random variables is characterized by its bell-shaped curve, which is symmetric about the mean. The area under the curve represents probability, with about 68% of the data falling within one standard deviation (1σ) of the mean, 95% within two, and 99.7% within three, making it a useful tool for understanding and predicting data behavior.

In radar objects, and seeker objects in general, the bias and scale factor vary among different instances to allow a realistic simulation of performance behavior in a technique known as Monte Carlo.

Let’s examine the bias distribution across mutliple radar instances with a default bias_std = 0.3° in comparison to seeker instances with a default bias_std = 0.1°:

>>> from c4dynamics.sensors import seeker, radar
>>> seekers = []
>>> radars = []
>>> for i in range(1000):
...   seekers.append(seeker().bias * c4d.r2d)
...   radars.append(radar().bias * c4d.r2d)

The histogram highlights the broadening of the distribution as the standard deviation increases:

>>> ax = plt.subplot()
>>> ax.hist(seekers, 30, label = 'Seekers') 
>>> ax.hist(radars, 30, label = 'Radars')  