Source code for c4dynamics.utils.tictoc

import sys 
import time
_tic = 0.0

[docs] def tic(): ''' Starts stopwatch timer. Inspired by `MATLAB's` tic toc, `tic()` records the current time to start measuring elapsed time. When used in conjunction with `toc()` serves as a stopwatch timer to measure the time interval between two events. Returns ------- out : float The recorded start time. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> import c4dynamics as c4d >>> import numpy as np .. code:: >>> N = 10000 >>> tic() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> a = np.ones((1, 3)) >>> for i in range(N - 1): ... a = np.concatenate((a, np.ones((1, 3)))) >>> t1 = toc() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> c4d.cprint('numpy concat: ' + str(1000 * t1) + ' ms', 'r') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT numpy concat: 40.0 ms .. code:: >>> tic() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> a = np.zeros((N, 3)) >>> for i in range(N): ... a[i, :] = np.ones((1, 3)) >>> t2 = toc() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> c4d.cprint('numpy predefined: ' + str(1000 * t2) + ' ms', 'g') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT numpy predefined: 3.0 ms .. code:: >>> tic()# doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> a = [] >>> for i in range(N): ... a.append([1, 1, 1]) >>> a = np.array(a) >>> t3 = toc()# doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> c4d.cprint('list to numpy: ' + str(1000 * t3) + ' ms', 'y') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT list to numpy: 0.0 ms ''' global _tic _tic = time.time() return _tic
[docs] def toc(show = True): ''' Stops the stopwatch timer and reads the elapsed time. Measures the elapsed time since the last call to `tic()` and prints the result in seconds. Returns ------- out : float Elapsed time in seconds. Examples -------- .. code:: >>> import c4dynamics as c4d >>> import numpy as np .. code:: >>> N = 10000 >>> tic() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> a = np.ones((1, 3)) >>> for i in range(N - 1): ... a = np.concatenate((a, np.ones((1, 3)))) >>> t1 = toc() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> c4d.cprint('numpy concat: ' + str(1000 * t1) + ' ms', 'r') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT numpy concat: 31.0 ms .. code:: >>> tic() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> a = np.zeros((N, 3)) >>> for i in range(N): ... a[i, :] = np.ones((1, 3)) >>> t2 = toc() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> c4d.cprint('numpy predefined: ' + str(1000 * t2) + ' ms', 'g') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT numpy predefined: 15.0 ms .. code:: >>> tic() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> a = [] >>> for i in range(N): ... a.append([1, 1, 1]) >>> a = np.array(a) >>> t3 = toc() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> c4d.cprint('list to numpy: ' + str(1000 * t3) + ' ms', 'y') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT list to numpy: 0.0 ms ''' global _tic dt = time.time() - _tic if show: print(f'{dt:.3f}') return dt
# tic(): # Records the current time to start measuring elapsed time. # Returns: # float: The recorded start time. # toc(): # Measures the elapsed time since the last call to `tic()` and prints the result in seconds. # Returns: # float: The elapsed time in seconds. if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest, contextlib, os from c4dynamics import IgnoreOutputChecker, cprint # Register the custom OutputChecker doctest.OutputChecker = IgnoreOutputChecker tofile = False optionflags = doctest.FAIL_FAST if tofile: with open(os.path.join('tests', '_out', 'output.txt'), 'w') as f: with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f), contextlib.redirect_stderr(f): result = doctest.testmod(optionflags = optionflags) else: result = doctest.testmod(optionflags = optionflags) if result.failed == 0: cprint(os.path.basename(__file__) + ": all tests passed!", 'g') else: print(f"{result.failed}")