import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter
import sys
def _figdef():
factorsize = 4
aspectratio = 1080 / 1920
return plt.subplots(1, 1, dpi = 200
, figsize = (factorsize, factorsize * aspectratio)
, gridspec_kw = {'left': 0.15, 'right': .9
, 'top': .9, 'bottom': .2})
def _legdef():
return {'fontsize': 4, 'facecolor': None}
def plotdefaults(ax, title, xlabel = '', ylabel = '', fontsize = 8, ilines = None):
Setting default properties on a matplotlib axis.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
The matplotlib axis on which to set the properties.
title : str
Plot title.
xlabel : str
The label for the x-axis.
ylabel : str
The label for the y-axis.
fontsize : int, optional
The font size for the title, x-axis label, y-axis label, and tick labels. Default is 14.
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> f16 = c4d.rigidbody()
>>> dt = .01
>>> for t in np.arange(0, 9, dt):
... if t < 3:
... f16.phi += dt * 180 / 9 * c4d.d2r
... elif t < 6:
... f16.phi += dt * 180 / 6 * c4d.d2r
... else:
... f16.phi += dt * 180 / 3 * c4d.d2r
>>> ax = plt.subplot()
>>> ax.plot(*'phi', c4d.r2d), 'm', linewidth = 2) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
>>> c4d.plotdefaults(ax, '$\\varphi$', 'Time', 'deg', fontsize = 18)
.. figure:: /_examples/utils/plotdefaults.png
if False:
# line
lwidth = 2
# set colors suite to the lines:
scolors = {'cyan': np.array([0, 1, 1])
, 'magenta': np.array([1, 0, 1])
, 'gold': np.array([1, 0.84, 0])
, 'deepskyblue': np.array([0, 0.75, 1])
, 'limegreen': np.array([0.2, 0.8, 0.2])
, 'coral': np.array([1, 0.5, 0.31])
, 'orchid': np.array([0.85, 0.44, 0.84])
, 'tomato': np.array([1, 0.39, 0.28])
, 'dodgerblue': np.array([0.12, 0.56, 1])
, 'palevioletred': np.array([0.86, 0.44, 0.58])}
if ilines is None:
lcolors = lcolors
lcolors = np.array(list(scolors.values()))[ilines, :]
for line, color in zip(ax.get_lines(), lcolors):
lwidth = 1
# legend
ax.legend(fontsize = 'small', facecolor = None)
# axis
ax.set_title(title, fontsize = fontsize, fontname = 'Times New Roman')
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize = fontsize, fontname = 'Times New Roman')
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize = fontsize, fontname = 'Times New Roman')
ax.grid(alpha = 0.5)
ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', labelsize = fontsize, labelfontfamily = 'Times New Roman')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest, contextlib, os
from c4dynamics import IgnoreOutputChecker, cprint
# Register the custom OutputChecker
doctest.OutputChecker = IgnoreOutputChecker
tofile = False
optionflags = doctest.FAIL_FAST
if tofile:
with open(os.path.join('tests', '_out', 'output.txt'), 'w') as f:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f), contextlib.redirect_stderr(f):
result = doctest.testmod(optionflags = optionflags)
result = doctest.testmod(optionflags = optionflags)
if result.failed == 0:
cprint(os.path.basename(__file__) + ": all tests passed!", 'g')