from typing import Optional
import hashlib
import shutil
import os, sys
from c4dynamics.datasets._registry import CACHE_DIR, image_register, video_register, nn_register, d3_register, d3_f16_register
imagesmap = {'planes': 'planes.png', 'planes.png': 'planes.png', 'triangle': 'triangle.png', 'triangle.png': 'triangle.png'}
videosmap = {'aerobatics': 'aerobatics.mp4', 'aerobatics.mp4': 'aerobatics.mp4'
, 'drifting_car.mp4': 'drifting_car.mp4', 'driftingcar': 'drifting_car.mp4', 'drifting_car': 'drifting_car.mp4'}
nnsmap = {'yolov3': 'yolov3.weights', 'yolo_v3': 'yolov3.weights', 'yolov3.weights': 'yolov3.weights'}
d3smap = {'f16': 'f16', 'f_16': 'f16', 'bunny': 'bunny.pcd', 'bunnymesh': 'bunny_mesh.ply', 'bunny_mesh': 'bunny_mesh.ply'
, 'bunny.pcd': 'bunny.pcd', 'bunnymesh.ply': 'bunny_mesh.ply', 'bunny_mesh.ply': 'bunny_mesh.ply'}
def image(image_name: str) -> str:
Fetches the path of an image from the local cache.
`image` downloads and manages image files from `c4dynamics` datasets.
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 80
:header-rows: 1
* - Image Name
- Description
* - planes
- A 1280x720 snapshot of aerobatic airplanes (planes.png, 300KB)
* - triangle
- A 800x600 image of a triangle (triangle.png, 20KB)
The images can be found at
image_name : str
The name of the image to download
out : str
A path to the image file in the local cache
Import required packages:
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> import matplotlib.image as mpimg
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
.. code::
>>> impath = c4d.datasets.image('planes')
Fetched successfully
>>> img = mpimg.imread(impath) # read image
>>> plt.imshow(img) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
>>> plt.axis('off') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
.. figure:: /_examples/datasets/planes.png
.. code::
>>> impath = c4d.datasets.image('triangle')
Fetched successfully
>>> img = mpimg.imread(impath) # read image
>>> plt.imshow(img) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
>>> plt.axis('off') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
.. figure:: /_examples/datasets/triangle.png
imagein = imagesmap.get(image_name.lower(), None)
if imagein is None:
raise KeyError(f"'{image_name}' is not an image in c4dynamics datasets. Available images are: 'planes', 'triangle'.")
filename = image_register.fetch(imagein)
print('Fetched successfully')
return filename
def video(video_name: str) -> str:
Fetches the path of a video from the local cache.
`video` downloads and manages video files from `c4dynamics` datasets.
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 80
:header-rows: 1
* - Video Name
- Description
* - planes
- 10 seconds video file of aerobatic airplanes (aerobatics.mp4, 7MB)
* - drifting_car
- 9 seconds video file of a drifting car\\* (drifting_car.mp4, 10MB)
The videos can be found at
\\* Used by kind permission of `Abed Ismail <>`_
video_name : str
The name of the video to download
out : str
A path to the video file in the local cache
Import required packages:
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> import cv2
Fetch and run:
.. code::
>>> vidpath ='aerobatics')
Fetched successfully
>>> cap = cv2.VideoCapture(vidpath)
>>> while cap.isOpened():
... ret, frame =
... if not ret: break
... cv2.imshow('aerobatics', frame)
... cv2.waitKey(33) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
>>> cap.release()
>>> cv2.destroyAllWindows()
.. figure:: /_examples/datasets/aerobatics.gif
videoin = videosmap.get(video_name.lower(), None)
if videoin is None:
raise KeyError(f"'{video_name}' is not a video in c4dynamics datasets. An available video is: 'aerobatics'.")
filename = video_register.fetch(videoin)
print('Fetched successfully')
return filename
def nn_model(nn_name: str) -> str:
Fetches the path of a neural network model from the local cache.
`nn_model` downloads and manages neural network files from `c4dynamics` datasets.
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 80
:header-rows: 1
* - NN Name
- Description
* - YOLOv3
- Pre-trained weights file (237 MB)
YOLOv3 weights file can be found at
nn_name : str
The name of the neural network model to download
out : str
A path to the neural network in the local cache
Import required packages:
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> import cv2
Print first 5 layers of YOLOv3:
.. code::
>>> impath = c4d.datasets.nn_model('yolov3')
Fetched successfully
>>> net = cv2.dnn.readNet(impath, 'c4dynamics/detectors/yolov3.cfg')
>>> for i, layer in enumerate(net.getLayerNames()):
... print(f"Layer {i}:\t{layer}")
... if i > 4: break
Layer 0: conv_0
Layer 1: bn_0
Layer 2: leaky_1
Layer 3: conv_1
Layer 4: bn_1
Layer 5: leaky_2
nnin = nnsmap.get(nn_name.lower(), None)
if nnin is None:
raise KeyError(f"'{nn_name}' is not a neural network model in c4dynamics datasets. An available model is: 'yolov3'.")
filename = nn_register.fetch(nnin)
print('Fetched successfully')
return filename
def d3_model(d3_name: str) -> str:
Fetches the path of a 3D model from the local cache.
`d3_model` downloads and manages 3D model files from `c4dynamics` datasets.
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 80
:header-rows: 1
* - Model Name
- Description
* - bunny
- Point cloud file of Stanford bunny (bunny.pcd, 0.4MB)
* - bunny_mesh
- Polygon file of Stanford bunny (bunny_mesh.ply, 3MB)
* - F16
- A folder of 10 stl files, representing the jet parts as fuselage, ailerons,
cockpit, rudder and stabilators (10 files, total 3MB).
The models can be found at
d3_name : str
The name of the 3D model to download
out : str
A path to the model in the local cache.
For the `f16` model, the function returns a path
to the folder including 10 files.
**Stanford bunny (point cloud)**
Import required packages:
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> import open3d as o3d
>>> import os
.. code::
>>> bunnypath = c4d.datasets.d3_model('bunny')
Fetched successfully
>>> pcd =
>>> print(pcd)
PointCloud with 35947 points.
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd])
.. figure:: /_examples/datasets/bunny.png
**Stanford bunny (triangle mesh)**
.. code::
>>> mbunnypath = c4d.datasets.d3_model('bunny_mesh')
Fetched successfully
>>> ply =
>>> ply.compute_vertex_normals() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
>>> print(ply)
TriangleMesh with 35947 points and 69451 triangles.
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([ply])
.. figure:: /_examples/datasets/bunny_mesh.png
**F16 (10 stl files)**
.. code::
>>> f16path = c4d.datasets.d3_model('f16')
Fetched successfully
>>> model = []
>>> for f in sorted(os.listdir(f16path)):
... model.append(, f)).compute_vertex_normals())
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries(model)
.. figure:: /_examples/datasets/f16.png
d3in = d3smap.get(d3_name.lower(), None)
if d3in is None:
raise KeyError(f"'{d3_name}' is not a 3D model in c4dynamics datasets. Available models are: 'bunny', 'bunny_mesh', 'f16'.")
# returns path
if d3in == 'f16':
filename = os.path.dirname(d3_f16_register.fetch('Stabilator_B_F16.stl'))
filename = d3_register.fetch(d3in)
print('Fetched successfully')
return filename
def download_all() -> None:
Downloads all available datasets to the local cache.
The `download_all` function fetches all predefined datasets,
including images, videos, neural network models, and 3D models,
and stores them in the local cache.
This function is a convenient way to ensure that all necessary data files are locally
available for use without having to download each individually.
The datasets include:
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 80
:header-rows: 1
* - Dataset Type
- Included Files
* - Images
- 'planes.png', 'triangle.png'
* - Videos
- 'aerobatics.mp4', 'drifting_car.mp4'
* - Neural Networks
- 'yolov3.weights'
* - 3D Models
- 'bunny.pcd', 'bunny_mesh.ply', 'f16' (multiple STL files)
This function ensures all resources are fetched into the cache directory,
making them accessible for further processing.
**Download all datasets**
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
.. code::
>>> c4d.datasets.download_all()
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
After downloading, you can access each dataset using its
corresponding function, such as `image`, `video`, `nn_model`, or `d3_model`.
def clear_cache(dataset: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Deletes datasets from the local cache.
If a dataset name is provided, the function deletes this alone.
Otherwise, clears all the cache.
dataset : str, optional
The name of the dataset to delete.
.. code::
>>> import c4dynamics as c4d
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> import matplotlib.image as mpimg
>>> import os
**Delete a dataset file**
.. code::
>>> # download and verify
>>> impath = c4d.datasets.image('planes')
Fetched successfully
>>> print(os.path.exists(impath))
>>> # clear and verify
>>> c4d.datasets.clear_cache('planes')
>>> print(os.path.exists(impath))
**Clear all**
.. code::
>>> # download all
>>> c4d.datasets.download_all()
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
Fetched successfully
>>> # clear all and verify
>>> c4d.datasets.clear_cache()
>>> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(CACHE_DIR):
... for file in files:
... print(os.path.join(root, file))
... for dir in dirs:
... print(os.path.join(root, dir))
if dataset is None:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(CACHE_DIR):
for file in files:
os.remove(os.path.join(root, file))
for dir in dirs:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, dir))
allmaps = imagesmap | videosmap | nnsmap | d3smap
datain = allmaps.get(dataset.lower(), None)
if datain is None:
raise KeyError(f"'{dataset}' is not a dataset in c4dynamics.")
datafile = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, datain)
if datain == 'f16':
if os.path.exists(datafile):
def sha256(filename: str) -> str:
Computes the SHA-256 hash of a file.
filename : str
Path to the file for which the hash needs to be computed.
The SHA-256 hash of the file.
# filehash = pooch.file_hash(r'C:\Users\odely\Downloads\yolov3 (1).weights')
hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
for byte_block in iter(lambda:, b""):
return hash_sha256.hexdigest()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest, contextlib
from c4dynamics import IgnoreOutputChecker, cprint
# Register the custom OutputChecker
doctest.OutputChecker = IgnoreOutputChecker
tofile = False
optionflags = doctest.FAIL_FAST
if tofile:
with open(os.path.join('tests', '_out', 'output.txt'), 'w') as f:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f), contextlib.redirect_stderr(f):
result = doctest.testmod(optionflags = optionflags)
result = doctest.testmod(optionflags = optionflags)
if result.failed == 0:
cprint(os.path.basename(__file__) + ": all tests passed!", 'g')